25 years of experience and practice
WELCOME! We advise domestic and foreign clients and provide complex legal services in Slovakia.

Commercial Law
Contracts (purchase and supply agreements, distribution agreements, sale of products, service agreements, agency agreements, licence and franchise agreements and many more), legal analysis, securitisation instruments, financing

Company Law
Establishment of companies, corporate changes (change of business name, change of registered office, change of members of the statutory or supervisory body, increase/decrease of share capital), M&A (merger, division of business companies, conversion of legal form, share purchase agreements, due diligence), liabilities of statutory bodies (Directors) and shareholders

Real Estates
Transfer of ownership, easements, mortgage agreements, cadastral proceedings, commercial and non-commercial leases

Consumer protection, ads, e-commerce, food industry, mining, geology, insurance and more

Employment and Labour Law
Employment contracts, employer's internal labour regulations, termination of employment, material liability of employees, posting of workers, mass redundancy, organization of working hours, liability for damage, health & safety, prohibition of discrimination, collective agreements and collective bargaining

Public Sector Partners and Ultimate Beneficial Owners
UBO identification and registration into the Public Sector Partners Register in the Slovak Republic as well as into the Slovak Commercial Registry

Personal data protection in business

Work contracts, FIDIC
from 2006 - present - licenced legal practice
• 2010 - 2015 - Zárecký Zeman Ďurišová Law Office
• 2004 - 2009 - Čechová & Partners Law Office
2000 - 2002 - Union poisťovňa, a.s.
1994 - 1999 - Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava (Mgr.)
2002 - Dr. of Law exam - Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava (JUDr.)
2005 - Bar exam
2010 - Bankruptcy receiver exam